Workforce development is one of the key enablers of the refreshed Built Environment Industry Transformation Map (BE ITM). Our consultations with the industry have revealed that the sector aspires to have a future-ready workforce that is valued and respected; more productive and digitally savvy, with knowledge on sustainability; and it also desires to provide better work life balance, working conditions and career progression opportunities. Industry transformation offers the opportunity to redesign jobs and rebrand the BE sector to one that is more appealing for our locals.
2 Below is a list of initiatives to support skills and development to strengthen the quality of our workforce and attract more local PMETs to join the BE sector.
- Re-designing jobs and improving HR practices - A joint study with Ernst & Young (EY) to study how job roles in the BE sector could be impacted by emerging global and technological trends; as well as to identify opportunities to redesign jobs for better productivity. More information is at Annex A.
- IMDA’s Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service (CTO-as-a-Service) – Helps firms embrace digitalisation to uplift productivity and reduce dependency on low-skilled manpower by providing them with access to digitalisation resources and connects them to a Digital Consultant. More information is at Annex B.
- Workforce Singapore (WSG)’s Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs) for the Built Environment. – Helps mid-career PMETs undergo skill conversion and pick up new skills to transition into new job roles. More information is at Annex C.
- Skills Framework and Accreditation Scheme for Built Environment - Helps BE firms and professionals to identify career progression pathways and the skills needed to stay relevant, and ensure the workforce is adequately recognised as they develop new skills. More information is at Annex D.
- Work-Study Diploma (WSDip) programme. – Helps ensure that new entrants to the BE sector have industry-ready skillsets. More information is at Annex E.
- BuildSG Leadership Engagement and Development (LEAD) framework – Supports leadership development in the BE sector to cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous learning. More information on BuildSG LEAD framework can be found here:
Read more about inspiring BE profiles and how they have contributed to the sector at Annex F.
Annex A: BCA-EY Joint Study on the Impact of Built Environment (BE) Job Roles, and Opportunity to Redesign Jobs and Rebrand the Sector
Annex B: Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service (CTO-as-a-Service)
Annex C: Workforce Singapore (WSG) Career Conversion Programmes for the Built Environment sector
Annex D: Skills Framework for Built Environment
Annex E: Work-Study Diploma (WSDip) Programmes
Annex F: Profiles for Jobs & Skills (J&S)
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