BCA Annual Report 2022
BCA Annual Report 2022

Corporate Governance



The Board currently comprises 14 members. All are non-executive members, except Mr Kelvin Wong, who is BCA’s Chief Executive Officer. There is a diverse representation from the industry, academia and ministries, which provides a wide range of experience, skills, knowledge and perspectives to enable the Board to play an active role in guiding BCA to achieve its vision and mission.

The Chairman provides strategic leadership and guidance to the Management of BCA, and ensures that discussions at the Board are fairly, objectively and independently conducted.

The Board meets no less than four times a year to evaluate, approve and monitor the plans and budgets of BCA. It oversees the work and performance of the Management and assesses the financial health of BCA.

The BCA Act empowers the Board to form committees amongst its members to support the work of the Board.


Internal Controls
The Board ensures that the Management maintains a sound system of internal controls to safeguard the interests and assets of BCA. It also ensures that reviews of BCA’s key internal controls in finance, operations and compliance are conducted annually through internal and/or external audits according to the direction of the Audit Committee.

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee reviews the audited financial statements with external auditors, as well as reviews the audit plans and observations of the external and internal auditors. It also ensures that the Management takes appropriate action for audit observations and the Audit Committee’s recommendations. The Audit Committee also provides guidance for BCA’s Fraud Reporting policy. All members in the Audit Committee are non-executive members.

The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) champions the development and transformation of the built environment sector, in order to improve Singapore’s living environment. BCA oversees areas such as safety, quality, inclusiveness, sustainability and productivity, all of which, together with our stakeholders and partners, help to achieve our mission to transform the Built Environment sector and shape a liveable and smart built environment for Singapore.