
Contact Us

Building and Construction Authority

52 Jurong Gateway Road [Map]
#11-01, Singapore 608550 (Above JEM)

For general enquiries / feedback, please use our online feedback form.

BCA/BCA Academy Hotline: 1800-3425-222 (1800-DIAL-BCA), (+65) 6534 0219 (for Overseas Call
(Airtime charges will apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines. Calls are free of charge only if made from regular land lines.)

Operating hours: 
Weekdays: 8.30am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays)

BCA Service Centre/BCA Braddell Campus

No. 200 Braddell Road [Map]
Singapore 579700

Operating Hours:

Weekdays: 8.30am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays).
Please continue to transact with us using our e-services.

Counter services are only available for assistance on online course registration for BCA Academy (BCAA) courses on Online StoreFront (OSF) and course payments. For other matters, please use our online feedback form or call our hotline at 1800-3425-222.

Even though mask-wearing in many settings is no longer mandatory, visitors to the Service Centre are encouraged to continue to exercise responsibility and caution, such as wearing masks in crowded places or when interacting with vulnerable persons.


CORENET e-Submission System: (+65) 6334 3574

Building Tremor
(Private buildings): (+65) 6334 2408 / (+65) 6334 2580
(Public housing - HDB Essential Services): 1800 275 5555, 1800 241 7711

For service delivery feedback, please use our online feedback form or call our QSM line at 1800-2219001 (Weekdays: 8.30am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 5.00pm) 

Popular e-Services


The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

Lift and escalator owners, contractors and Specialist Professional Engineers (SPEs) can apply for and view applications for Permit to Operate (PTO) here.