
Chapter 4

Embracing Our People and Planet

We always strive to do better for our people and the environment. With this in mind, we are inculcating a sustainability mindset throughout BCA to inspire eco-friendly practices, while securing staff well-being and equipping our people in our drive to become a technologically-savvy organisation.


The BCA Braddell Campus houses three best-in-class Green Mark Platinum buildings, including the newly completed block (above).

Fostering a Sustainable Organisation

As part of our ongoing commitment, we promote the 3Rs principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle among our staff members. This seeks to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Throughout our offices, there are numerous initiatives to encourage eco-friendly behavioural changes and habits. These include automatic light shut-off in the evenings, which also promotes a healthy work-life balance; motion sensors in all meeting rooms; pre-programmed air-conditioning systems; and optimal office temperature settings.

Both the BCA HQ@JEM office and the BCA Braddell Campus have attained the BCA-HPB Green Mark for Healthier Workplaces (Platinum) for their interior spaces. Additionally, the BCA Braddell Campus houses three best-in-class Green Mark Platinum buildings. These achievements underscore our commitment to implementing sustainable practices, technologies and solutions to inspire our community.

Cultivating Professional Development

To support BCA’s transformation towards becoming a data-driven and technologically-savvy organisation, we continued to intensify our training efforts. These initiatives aim to equip our people with new skills, including data analytics, robotics process automation and design thinking, among others. Besides empowering them to confidently utilise data, this will enable them to co-create solutions with their stakeholders.

As part of BCA’s transition towards competency-based growth and adopting a more holistic approach to assessing staff performance, we have enhanced our performance management framework. This involves the incorporation of Our Core Competencies (OCC) Framework and BCA’s Core Values. The OCC Framework provides a Whole-of-Government (WOG) structure to guide our people in charting their professional development journey to build a wider, all-round set of competencies. Moreover, it also provides a common language in performance evaluation across BCA.

Nurturing Staff Well-Being

With the implementation of our current hybrid working arrangements, we have boosted employee engagement, while enhancing our workplace offerings to support staff returning to the office. Notable enhancements include the introduction of vending machines that offer healthy snacks and drinks, as well as e-coupons for redeeming nutritious beverages.

Besides staff recreational activities, we capitalised on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives like the Charity Bazaar, volunteering at organisations such as the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH) and organising beach clean-up events to foster stronger connections among our people, while making positive contributions to the community.


BCA staff participated in a beach clean-up in support of the “Keep Clean, Singapore!” movement.


As part of SG Cares National Day Celebrations, BCA staff volunteered with the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped and engaged with the beneficiaries.

The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) champions the development and transformation of the built environment sector, in order to improve Singapore’s living environment. BCA oversees areas such as safety, quality, inclusiveness, sustainability and productivity, all of which, together with our stakeholders and partners, help to achieve our mission to transform the Built Environment sector and shape a liveable and smart built environment for Singapore.