
Maintainable Design Appraisal System (MiDAS)

As part of the initiative to uplift the Facilities Management (FM) sector – a key focus under the Real Estate Industry Transformation Map – BCA has brought together the industry, unions, and other public agencies to form a Tripartite FM Implementation Committee (FMIC) to develop, oversee and review the implementation of the sector’s transformation plans.

About MiDAS

One initiative of the FMIC is the development of a Maintainable Design Appraisal System(MiDAS). MiDAS assesses the degree of maintainability of building designsfrom the lens of labour efficiency and cost-effectiveness of downstream maintenance regimes. 

MiDAS identifies critical (cost and labour intensive) maintenance items that are influenceable by design and presents a set of design strategies and solutions to address them, with a view on the building’s overall lifecycle. MiDAS covers the key disciplines – architectural, mechanical, electrical and landscape– and also comprises an innovation section to promote adoption of technologies. 

A MiDAS score is then derived based on the adopted set of design solutions. The final score gives designers and developers a sense on the potential labour and cost savings at downstream maintenance.

Benefits of MiDAS

i. Fosters greater collaboration among designers, developers and FM practitionersto deliver better and more maintainable designs;

ii. Promotes holistic sustainability by considering not only environmental aspects but also economic and socialthrough greater cost savings and reduced reliance on manual labour respectively; and

iii. Enables designers and developers, through the MiDAS score, to make more informed design decisions upfront and take a life cycle view on the development– including considerations for not only initial capital expenditure but also operating expenses.

MiDAS Pilot

BCA is piloting the MiDAS prototype in several projects. The pilot will help us finetune the tool for easy adoption in the industry.Developers and designers who are keen to participate in this pilot may contact the following


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