
Facilities Management (FM)

Facilities Management Transformation 

BCA is championing the refreshed Built Environment (BE) Industry Transformation Map (ITM) which amalgamates the previous Construction and Real Estate (Facilities Management) ITMs into a single ITM, focusing on a value-chain approach to seize opportunities for the Built Environment sector. Our vision for the Facilities Management (FM) sector is to transform the industry from a labour-intensive to productive one, towards an Integrated and Aggregated FM service model that is driven by technology adoption. 

FM related links

Good Practice Guides and Regulations
Smart FM
Procuring FM Services
Design for Maintainability
Lift and Escalator
GM & Sustainability
Period Facade Inspection (PFI)
Period Structural Inspection (PSI)

Capability and Support Schemes
IFM and AFM Grant
Productivity Solutions Grant


Popular e-Services


The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

Lift and escalator owners, contractors and Specialist Professional Engineers (SPEs) can apply for and view applications for Permit to Operate (PTO) here.