Green Building Innovation Cluster (GBIC)
Set up in 2014, the Green Buildings Innovation Cluster (GBIC) is an integrated research, development and demonstration (RD&D) programme that aims to accelerate the development and deployment of promising energy efficient technologies in buildings.
GBIC’s key objectives include:
- Serving as a one-stop integrated RD&D hub to experiment, exhibit and exchange knowledge of promising building energy efficient solutions with industry stakeholders
- Coordinating and disseminating building energy efficiency related activities and data
In consultation with stakeholders, a Super Low Energy Building Technology Roadmap has been developed to identify key technologies and provide strategic planning for the GBIC programme.
Enhanced GBIC 2.0 Programme
To further push the boundaries of energy efficiency to support Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP), an enhanced Green Buildings Innovation Cluster programme, named GBIC 2.0, was rolled out in Mar 2022. This programme will build on the success of the current GBIC, intensifying the support for needle-moving technologies with deep energy efficiency.
GBIC 2.0 Initiatives
GBIC 2.0 has four key initiatives that focus on green building RD&D with translation:

1. GBIC Research & Development (GBIC-R&D)
GBIC-R&D aims to collaborate with the local and international R&D community, and industry stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to improve building energy efficiency.
Find out more about the past funded projects under GBIC-R&D.
Please click here for more information on the scheme.
2. GBIC Prototyping
This provides a platform for 'out-of-lab' research outcomes to be refined and customised for actual building application and to support promising solutions from local/overseas companies for further development and adoption in our local environment. In addition, it aims to encourage building owners, consultants and the stakeholders to adopt a more holistic approach to strive for greater energy efficiency at an early design stage of the building project.
Please click here for more information on the scheme.
3. GBIC Demonstration (GBIC-Demo)
The GBIC-Demo provides building owners and developers the opportunity to strive for greater energy savings by demonstrating innovative energy efficient technologies that have not been widely implemented locally in upcoming projects or existing buildings. The programme brings together developers and building owners with research performers, technology providers and system integrators to establish platforms where industry can test and showcase these technologies to generate local performance data for verification by a 3rd party.
Please click here for more information on the scheme.
4. Super Low Energy Building (SLEB) Smart Hub
The GBIC SLEB Smart Hub is a central resource centre that collects and analyses essential information of GBIC funded projects and data of Green Mark projects and Building Energy Submission System (BESS). With its abundant data sets and data analytical capabilities, it provides one-stop digital services to enable Super Low Energy Buildings.
Evaluation Criteria
The proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
a) Alignment with policy intent:
· Support SGBMP 80% EE improvement from 2005 levels by 2030.
· Focus on energy guzzling building typologies e.g. Offices, Hotels, Retails, Mixed Developments, Healthcare facilities, Institutions
b) Scalability
· Have a scale up adoption programme to show a viable business model.
· Project team able to show strong commitment to the project (i.e. high internal funding)
· Must have portfolio of buildings to be able to replicate solutions demonstrated
c) Commercial viability & cost
· Potential for commercialisation, IP creation, technology transfer to industry.
· Solutions developed are cost effective and ease on maintenance.
d) Novelty and Innovation
· Aligned with SLEB Technology Roadmap focus areas with 25-30% better energy savings than current best-in-class techs.
· Improve current practices or setting standards for industry
· Involve research performers in development, verification
Funding Support
a) For companies and company-affiliated research entities
· Qualify for up to 70% of the approved qualifying direct costs of a project depending on the type of firms (See below table)
b) For Singapore-based IHLs, Research Institutions
· Support up to 100% of the approved qualifying direct costs of a project for Singapore-based IHLs, RIs.
· Support for indirect costs, in the form of overheads, will only be provided for Singapore-based IHLs.
Max Direct Cost support
All non-SG private sector entities (including not-for-profits)
SG Start-ups
SG Not-for-profits
For general enquiries, please contact: