The Building and Construction Authority (BCA), together with industry stakeholders has developed the Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM) to shape the future economy of Singapore. One key thrust is the upscaling of professionalism and upgrading of skills of the workforce. The Built Environment sector is expected to have 25,000 trained professionals by 2025 supporting the Green Building pillar of the Construction ITM.
BCA has collaborated with SGBC to review and enhance the Green Mark Specialist Scheme to the new 'Green Mark Professional Qualification Scheme', administered by SGBC. This was announced in September 2018 at the Singapore Green Building Week, which took effect from 1 July 2019. Under SGBC's administration, key enhancements are made to refresh the Scheme, including a change in the naming convention of our Green Mark specialists (please refer to the table below).
Refreshed Naming Convention
BCA GM Specialist Scheme
(Prior to 1 July 2019)
SGBC Green Mark Professional Qualification Scheme (with effect from 1 July 2019)
Certified Green Mark Manager
[Certified GMM]
Green Mark Accredited Professional
[Green Mark AP]
Certified Green Mark Facilities Manager[Certified GMFM]
Green Mark Accredited Professional (Facilities Management)
[Green Mark AP (FM)]
Certified Green Mark Professional[Certified GMP]
Green Mark Advanced
Accredited Professional
[Green Mark AAP]
Certified Green Mark Facilities Professional
[Certified GMFP]
Green Mark Advanced
Accredited Professional
(Facilities Management)
[Green Mark AAP (FM)]
Collective term for GMM, GMP, GMFM, GMFP:
Green Mark Specialist
Collective term for Green Mark AP, Green Mark AP (FM), Green Mark AAP, Green Mark AAP(FM):
Green Mark Accredited Professional (GMAP)
All certified GMMs, GMFMs, GMPs and GMFPs will be recognised as such till 30 June 2019. Subsequently, you will be recognised as a Green Mark AP, Green Mark AP (FM), Green Mark AAP and Green Mark AAP (FM) respectively from 1 July 2019.
BCA will continue to recognise GMM, GMFM, GMP and GMFP certificates for Green Mark projects during this transition period. In particular, for GMPs and GMFPs, BCA will recognise the certificates accordingly till the end of its validity.
In addition to the above, a robust Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certification renewal framework has been put in place to ensure all our certified Green Mark Specialists continue to keep their knowledge and skills current with industry and regulatory developments. Renewal of certification will be done on an annual basis through accumulation of CPD points. Please visit SGBC website or here more details.
These enhancements serve to uplift, upskill and better recognise the competency of our industry for career progression locally and abroad. For more information on the Green Mark Professional Qualification Scheme, please visit SGBC website or click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
You are advised to read through the FAQ for further details and/or clarifications on the refreshed Scheme. Click here to view the FAQ.
List of BCA Certified GMP / GMM / GMFM / GMFP
Click here for the latest list of Certified GMP
Click here for the latest list of Certified GMM
Click here for the latest list of Certified GMFM
Click here for the latest list of Certified GMFP
Note: All existing GMP and GMFP certification will still be valid and recognised during this transition period until the first 30 June after the expiry of the certification. In other words, for a GMP with a certificate that is valid until 3 July 2020, SGBC will recognise the individual as a Green Mark AAP until 30 June 2021. Thereafter, certification renewal is required on an annual basis. Please refer to the FAQ above for more details.
(Note: The validity period of all certifications under the refreshed Scheme will be from 1st July to 30th June of the following year.)