
Before Owning a Condo - What to know

Thinking of buying and staying in a condominium? The roles and responsibilities are different from staying in an HDB flat or landed property. It is important for first-time condominium buyers to fully understand the considerations of owning a condominium unit, before purchasing one.

Researching Quality Workmanship

Do your research to ensure you're purchasing from a developer and contractor with good track records and delivers quality consistently. 

You should conduct research by visiting the Quality Housing Portal prior to committing to a private home purchase as quality performance matters. The Quality Housing Portal (QHP) is a platform that allows potential condo owners like you to get information on the past construction workmanship quality performance of developers and builders. It is important to consider the quality segment that a developer belongs to before you make your property purchase.

Understanding CONQUAS Banding


Under the CONQUAS banding system, developers, builders, and projects are given a rating from Band 1, which means a very low incidence of major defects; to Band 6, which indicates higher incidences of major defect. Bands 1 and 2 recognise the good performing firms that have consistently delivered private residential projects with no or very low incidences of major defects. Those that perform well consistently will be able to stay at the top tier bandings.

Pre-Purchase Checklist

Go through this checklist of items before purchasing your new or resale condominium

These checklists guide you through the various considerations to make before deciding to stay in a particular estate. Do note that this list is non-exhaustive. 

For New Condos
For Resale Condos 

Owner Responsibilities

Understand your roles and responsibilities as an owner

Pleasant condo living is only made possible when all stakeholders - including individual unit owners, perform their duties and responsibilities.

While you are living in your own unit, it is located within a larger estate and within close proximity to your neighbours. Therefore, being thoughtful and considerate to one another such as keeping noise levels down at night or putting gym equipment back after use goes a long way. 

Attending and voting at AGMs
All unit owners have voting rights. It is in your interest to attend them as the decisions made via voting at these meetings will affect you as a resident and even possibly the value of your property. For example, a motion to charge fees for additional carpark lots may be implemented, if approved at the general meeting.

Be considerate when using your unit and common property
Being thoughtful and maintaining friendly relations with your neighbours helps ensure a more pleasant and conflict-free condo living experience.

This also applies to common property surrounding your individual unit. For example, the corridor space outside your unit is common property for all unit owners. It is good to be considerate and not crowd the shared corridor with your belongings, especially if they obstruct the paths of your neighbours.

Comply with all by-laws
By-laws are voted on during general meetings. Even if you were not present to vote on the by-laws, you will be required to follow them once enacted by the Management Corporation (MC).

Paying maintenance contributions
You are required to pay a maintenance contribution which goes towards the maintenance and upkeep of common property and facilities, as well as any future major maintenance works. It is important to ensure that there are adequate funds for both regular and future expenses so that repairs on any essential facilities can be conducted without excessive disruption.

You have a responsibility to your estate and your neighbours to pay your contributions on time. Do note that each estate will have its own arrangement for paying of maintenance contributions, and the penalty for late payment. The amount of maintenance contributions may be reviewed annually at each AGM.

Popular e-Services


The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

Lift and escalator owners, contractors and Specialist Professional Engineers (SPEs) can apply for and view applications for Permit to Operate (PTO) here.