
Be Condo Savvy

Did you know that as a condo owner you can have a say as to how the management and maintenance of your estate is undertaken?

Whether you are looking to buy and live in a condominium or are already living in a condominium, it is important to be well-informed about both the unit and the estate so that you know what condo living entails.

Key Stakeholders in Strata Properties

For starters, let us introduce the key stakeholders that you will encounter when you live in a condo.

Stakeholders in Strata Properties


Management Corporation (MCST), in respect of a strata title plan, is composed of the Subsidiary Proprietor (SPs) within the specific strata title plan. SP is a purchaser to whom ownership of a unit has been transferred, as shown on the subsidiary strata certificate of title.


Management Council consists of a group of SPs elected at the annual general meeting to enable quicker decision-making on day-to-day operational matters


Managing Agents (MA) may be employed by an MCST to perform certain duties in respect of the management and maintenance of their strata-titled development. Findings from a pilot study conducted by BCA indicated that MCSTs have reported encouraging satisfaction levels in the service performance of accredited MA firms and individuals.


Government Agencies such as the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and others that oversee various aspects of the estate. The Commissioner of Buildings (COB) which is under BCA performs the following administrative functions as stipulated under the Building Management and Strata Management Act (BMSMA):

  • Accept share values and approve maintenance charges;
  • Monitor holding of annual general meeting (AGM) and lodgement of by-laws; and
  • Enforce offence provisions under the BMSMA, which mainly centre on conflicts of interest of office holders in the management council.

Strata Titles Boards are tribunals established to mediate and hear applications in matters relating to certain disputes as stipulated in the BMSMA.

Trade Association and Chambers (TACs) such as Association of Property and Facility Managers (APFM), Association of Strata Managers (ASM) and MCST Association of Singapore (MCST.SG) represent industry stakeholders and drive professional development in the MCST sector.


Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders in SMG2: Role and Responsibility of Stakeholders!

Things You Should Know About Condo Living

To Be Condo Savvy, here are some key things that you should know about condo living:

  1. Conduct research by visiting the Quality Housing Portal prior to committing to a private home purchase as quality performance matters. The Quality Housing Portal (QHP) is a platform that allows potential condo owners like you to get information on the past construction workmanship quality performance of developers and builders. It is important to consider the quality segment that a developer belongs to before you make your property purchase. 

  2. Condos are managed on self-governance as empowered by the Building Management and Strata Management Act (BMSMA) which allows owners to collectively manage the estate. All affairs and decisions are to be managed and resolved privately.

  3. As a condo owner, it is important for you to cooperate and play an active role in the running and maintenance of the whole estate by:

    • attending and voting at general meetings
    • paying maintenance fees and other payments for maintenance of common property on time, and
    • abiding by all house rules and by-laws
  4. All by-laws enacted via voting by the Management Corporation (MC) will have to be adhered to, whether you voted for them or not.

  5. To enjoy well-maintained facilities, you will need to pay a maintenance contribution which goes towards the maintenance and upkeep of common property and facilities, as well as any future major maintenance works. It is important to ensure that there are adequate funds for both regular and future expenses.

Popular e-Services


The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

Lift and escalator owners, contractors and Specialist Professional Engineers (SPEs) can apply for and view applications for Permit to Operate (PTO) here.