
Appendix A - Details of Site and Test Records

Appendix A : Details Of Site And Test Records

The qualified person appointed in respect of any building works shall keep and maintain at the premises on which the building works are carried out the following documents, books and records:

Schedule of Structural Works 

The qualified person must ensure that a schedule of structural works to be carried out every 3 months is kept at the site. It must specify in particular the excavation, installation, testing, removal, construction or fabrication of the key structural elements in the structural works.

Attendance Record

The qualified person must ensure that his attendance record and his site supervisor's attendance record is kept to monitor his presence at the construction site. 

Site Record Book

The qualified person must ensure that a site record book is properly maintained. The site supervisor should also record his time spent at the site as well as any comments or instructions given in the record book. 

Approved Structural Plans, Amendments & Specifications

The qualified person must ensure that the specifications, approved structural plans and amendments are properly documented and a complete set be kept on site for use.

Record of Inspection and Approval for Concreting

The qualified person must ensure that the specifications, approved structural plans and amendments are properly documented and a complete set be kept on site for use.

  1. The qualified person is to ensure that a copy of the approved concrete mix design is kept at the site for verification.

  2. The qualified person must ensure the presence of his site supervisor and/or himself in the inspection of the structural works prior to concreting is recorded. The time taken to carry out the necessary inspection as well as any comments or instructions given should also be recorded.

Record of Repairs to Defective Structural Works

When defective concrete works, such as honeycombs, cracks, etc are detected after the formwork has been stripped, the qualified person is required to record these defects, the remedial measures taken and the type of repairs carried out. The date of the repair and the name of the supervising officer should be recorded.

Site Investigation Reports

These reports must be certified by a qualified person and all soil tests shall be carried out by a laboratory approved by the Singapore Accredited Council under the Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS). Certain minor in-situ tests such as in-situ penetrometer may be carried out by the qualified person. A copy of the soil investigation as well as soil tests report must be kept at the site office for reference.

Record of Piles Installed

The qualified person is required to compile a record of all the piles installed on site in the normal pile record forms. These records shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Building Control upon completion of the piling works.

Records of Pile Load Tests

The qualified person is required to compile records of all the load tests carried out on site. The records should be in the normal load test record format including the load vs. settlement graphs. The records should also include calibration reports for the gauges. These records must be submitted to the Commissioner of Building Control upon completion of the pile load tests.

Record of Tests on Cement, Sand and Coarse Aggregates

The qualified person must ensure that a copy of the Cement Manufacturer's Test Certificate of the approved branch of cement is kept on site for verification. He should also ascertain the freshness of the cement. The qualified person should instruct his site supervisor to carry out random checks at a regular interval on the quality of sand by performing the field sedimentation test. However, decantation or other more accurate methods could be used if the field tests indicate a larger than acceptable silt/clay content. As for the coarse aggregates, grading and crushing strength tests may be carried out when required. The source of supply should be recorded and checked regularly to ensure reliability.

Record of Concrete Cube Tests

The qualified person must ensure that a record of all concrete cube tests is kept on site. The slump, structural element and location of the batch sample taken should also be recorded. In cases where the concrete failed to achieve the specified 28-day strength, the qualified person must record the remedial measures that he had taken.

Record of Tests on Steel Reinforcement

The qualified person must ensure that a copy of the mill certificate is kept on site for verification on the strength and quality of the reinforcement bars. The source of supply must be recorded and checked regularly. Further tests may be carried out at the discretion of the qualified person, at regular intervals. Where normal welding is done on reinforcement bars, sample of the welded joint should be tested by an approved laboratory.

Record of Tests on Prestressing Steel

A copy of the Manufacturer's Test Certificates covering each coil to be used must be kept on site. Where testing of samples is to be done, they should be carried out in an approved laboratory and all test reports must be kept on site.

Record of Prestressing Works

Shop drawings and calculations of theoretical cable extensions etc provided by specialists firm should be kept on site. The records of actual site extension measurements including force-extension graphs should also be verified by the qualified person and kept on site. The record should also include calibration report for stressing jacks and gauges.

Other Necessary Test Records & Site Records

The qualified person must ensure that records of all other necessary tests are kept. They may be results of core tests, tests on structural steel, welding tests or non-destructive tests, such as the rebound hammer and ultra-sonic tests. Other site records such as site instructions by qualified person, resident engineer or site supervisors should also be properly filed

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The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

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