
Structural Plans and Permit Approvals

As the Qualified Person (QP) appointed for structural works, you need to get approval for the structural plans and a permit before work can start.

Building works exempted from structural approval or permit

You will need a permit for all building works except for insignificant building works, as stated in the First Schedule of the Building Control Regulations.

Who can apply

Approval for building plans

Permit to start structural works

A QP who is a registered professional engineer in the civil or structural discipline.

The developer, QP and builder who will carry out the works must make a joint application.

When to submit applications

Type of submission

Time taken for BCA to respond (working days)

Project where an accredited checker’s certificate is not required


Projects where an accredited checker’s certificate in required

10 (First submission)

14 (Subsequent submissions)

Permit to carry out structural works



  • You can apply for a permit together with your application for approval of structural plans or after obtaining plan approval.
  • You can seek approval of structural plans in phases (e.g. piling, substructure or basement and superstructure), or submit multiple plans for independent structures if your project is complex.
  • If there are material changes (i.e. changes that require a re-design of key structural elements) to the approved plans during building, you must obtain approval before carrying out the proposed change on site. If changes are immaterial (i.e. changes that do not affect any key structural element or if they do, the effects are localised in nature and do not require a re-design of key structural elements), you can proceed without prior approval. However, you must keep and maintain a record of all changes and incorporate them in subsequent structural plans.

Forms and documents

You must submit the following forms and documents for building plan approval and permit for start structural works.

Application type

Required forms and documents

Approval of structural plan

  • Application for approval of structural plans - Form BCA-BE-STAPPV01 (BEV/A1).
  • Declaration by a qualified person for structural works for the approval of structural plan (retaining wall) – Form BCA-BE-STAPPV01-RW and BCA-BE-STAPPV01-A1/Appendix.
  • One set of detailed structural plans that have to be signed by the QP for structural works, and the first and last sheets of the plans have to be endorsed by the QP with a certificate as shown in Appendix B.
  • One set of building plans (i.e. architectural plans) for reference, signed by the QP who prepared them.
  • One set of structural design calculations. The first and last pages of each book of design calculation must be signed and endorsed by the QP for structural works with a certificate as shown in Appendix B.
  • A copy of valid planning permission or lodgement receipt or letter of no-objection (for erection of retaining wall in emergency cases) from the Competent Authority, URA.
  • Plan fee computation for building plans where applicable.
  • Calculations of structural buildability score – Form BCA-BE-BS02 (BEV/A1-BS02) where applicable.

Permit to start structural works

  • Application form – BCA-BE-Permit (BEV/B1)
  • Relevant appendices to the BCA-BE-Permit (BEV/B1)

Exceptional cases will require additional forms and documents as follows.

Submission type

Required forms and documents

Those requiring an AC certificate

  • Accredited Checker’s Certificate – Form BCA-BE-STAPPV01-ACC (BEV/A2)
  • Accredited Checker’s Checklist in Design Evaluation Report - Form BCA-BE-ACCHECKLIST (BEV/A3)
  • An evaluation report accompanying one set of the AC’s independent structural analysis and design check calculations

Note: Refer to the Second Schedule of the Building Control (Accredited Checkers and Accredited Checking Organisations) Regulations and Fourth Schedule of the Building Control Regulations for information on works requiring and exempted from an AC.

Those involving A&A works

  • Plans that are endorsed by a professional engineer with a certificate as shown in Appendix D, if the structural stability or integrity of the building is not affected.
  • An AC’s certificate, if the work materially affects the key structural elements of the building (e.g. modifications such as strengthening).

For fixings or claddings

Certifications from the QP for fixings of claddings, QP for the building structural works and accredited checker, as shown in Appendix E.

Note: You must provide the certification by the QP for fixings of claddings on the plans. You can submit certifications by the AC and QP for the building structural works through letter correspondences.

For Alternative Solution
The QP for structural works is to submit the form BCA-BE-AS (Schedule of Alternative Solutions).                  
For demolition works
The certification as shown in Appendix H shall be indicated on the first and last page/sheet of design calculation and structural plans. These documents shall accordingly be endorsed by the QP for demolition works.

 For site investigation works The certification as shown in Appendix I shall be indicated on the first and last page of site investigation report. The document shall accordingly be endorsed by a Professional Engineer.

BEV_ERSS Design Considerations for Earth Retaining or Stablising Structures (ERSS) Apr 2024
BEV_PC Supervision of pile load test & piling works and Monitoring of building settlement Apr 2024
BEV_TUN Site Inspection and Approval Records and Ground Movement Assessment Record for tunnelling works Apr 2024
Communication Plan for Landed Development Projects:
Landed House_Annex 1
- Notification of Building Works to Neighbours
- Request for Consent for Access
Landed House_Annex 2
- Notification to CBC on Communication Plan
- Notification to CBC on Status of Pre-construction Survey
- Notification to CBC on Consent for Access
- Notification to CBC on Concreting for RC Wall Abutting Existing Party or Boundary Wall
 Apr 2024
BCA-BE-PERMIT_A4 Deployment of site supervisor(s) at different phases of construction  Jan 2018
 Template_Site Supervision_Plan  Template for Site Supervision Plan  Apr 2024

How to apply

You can apply for both the approval of structural plans and permit to carry out structural works via the CORENET e-Submission system.

For ST submission for Landed Properties, you may refer to the new ST Checklist for document requirements.

Register for AC, ACO and SAC

Download the lists of registered AC, ACO and SAC:

Useful Info/Links:

Popular e-Services


The Construction Workforce Registration System (CWRS) is an online portal for CoreTrade and Multi-skilling registration and the renewal of Direct R1 eligibility.

Overseas Testing Management System

OTMS allows you to register the workers for Identity Verification and to check your registration status online.

Lifts and Escalators Application (LEAP) Portal

Lift and escalator owners, contractors and Specialist Professional Engineers (SPEs) can apply for and view applications for Permit to Operate (PTO) here.