To promote an accessible and inclusive built environment, the BCA Accessibility Fund provides grants to building owners for upgrading their existing buildings with essential accessibility and Universal Design features. Building owners, lessors who have the ownership right to upgrade the building and lessees who can carry out the upgrading works with the endorsement of the building owners/lessors are eligible to apply for this fund.
Funding eligibility
Private buildings built before the implementation of Code on Barrier-free Accessibility in Buildings 1990 that do not have Basic Accessibility features
The fund would co-pay up to 80% of the construction cost of the Accessibility Features cited below:
Accessible Entrance;
Accessible toilet;
Signage for accessibility features;
Lifts compliant with SS 550 (capped at S$200,000); and
Accessible car park lot
Private buildings built before the implementation of Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment 2013 that have Accessibility features
The fund would co-pay up to 60% of the construction cost of Universal Design Features cited below:
Grab bars for ambulant disabled and elderly urinals/WC;
Child-friendly WC/urinal/wash basin;
Lactation room;
Diaper-changing room;
Hearing enhancement systems;
Braille and tactile features; and
Family car park lot
Contact Us

Interested parties may reach out to us via our enquiry form by scanning the QR code or visiting
Let’s do our part to make Singapore’s built environment more inclusive and user-friendly!