1. General
1.1 Any person who wants to import sand and/or granite must have a valid licence.
1.2 Licensed importers are listed on the Register of Licensed Importers. You can click on the link to view the list of current licensed importers.
1.3 Applicants for licence/renewal of licence can generally expect to hear from BCA within two weeks if all submitted documents are in order.
2. Licence Requirement
2.1 The following requirements must be fulfilled for grant of an Importers’ Licence;
a. The latest copy of your business profile obtained from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). (Date of request of business profile should not be more than one month from the date of submission of licence application)
b. The procurement plan as outlined in Section C of Application Form.
c. If you are an incorporated entity, copies of (i) a duly passed resolution to the effect that you are duly authorized to carry on the business of an importer of essential construction materials, and (ii) your memorandum and articles of association.
2.2 At the same time, you should provide your GIRO Application Form at the point of licence application to facilitate payment of fees to be incurred, if you do not already have an existing GIRO account with BCA.
3. Application Fee
3.1 Application Fee for licence or for renewal of licence is S$120.
3.2 In general, a licence is valid for one year.
4. Application Form for Importers' Licence