fee calculator
Use the fee calculator to estimate your licence fee!
Type of licence
Basis of chargeable fee
Rate per year
Up to 15m2
$50 per licence
Above 15m2
$20 per m2 or part thereof in excess of 5m2
- Advertisement licence
- Directional Sign licence
- Free Standing Signboard licence
Up to 1m2**
$20 per sign
Above 1m2 to 5m2
$90 per sign
Above 5m2 to 10m2
$140 per sign
Above 10m2
$20 per m2 or part thereof per sign
- Animated Billboard licence
Up to 10m2
$225 per sign
Above 10m2
$30 per m2 or part thereof per sign
- Skysign licence
- Balloon Sign licence
Display Area
$40 per m2 or part thereof per sign
*Each business premise is eligible for a one-time aggregate 5m2 signboard exemption. Exemption may be considered upon submission of the declaration form during the online consultation via Advertisement licensing System (ALS).
**All advertisements / directional signs / banners up to 1m2 are classified as small advertisements.
The minimum chargeable period of the licence is one month, subject to a minimum fee of $20.00.
If the licence period is more than a month, this duration will be pro-rated to the next one month. For example, 5 May to 4 June is considered as one month, while 5 May to 5 June is taken as two months.
Permit To Use Fee
Temporary Building with statistical gross floor area
$200 for every 100m2
Temporary Building with no measurable statistical gross floor area
$200 per structure
How to make payment
Giro payment is compulsory for annual auto-renewal of licences. If the licence is not automatically renewed the following year, a fresh application needs to be made to obtain a new sign licence.
e-Nets and credit card
Pay online through ALS
- Please use BCA PayNow proxy T08GB0005B101 or simply scan the QR Code below.

- Indicate Licence Number or Formal Application Number <FA/xxxxx/xxxx/xx/xx> in PayNow reference field.
Note: Payment will only be accepted for new application or licence with renewal/payment notice issued. Licence will not be renewed if renewal/payment notice is not issued.
Internet Bank Transfer |
- Transfer to BCA Bank Account as below –
Account Name: Building and Construction Authority
Account Type: DBS Current Account
Bank Code: 7171
Account Number: <001-021871-9>
- Once payment is made successfully, submit the payment details through BCA’s Payment Notification via https://go.gov.sg/bcapmt.
Note: Payment will only be accepted for new application or licence with renewal/payment notice issued. Licence will not be renewed if renewal/payment notice is not issued.
- Post the completed original copy of the Giro application form to BCA within 1 month from the issuance of the licence
- Giro applications are subject to bank's approval
- You will be notified via post about your Giro application status
- Deduction takes place in the next renewal period after bank's approval