CORENET e-Submission System
Before applying for a sign licence, you are encouraged to check if your proposed advertising sign/signboard complies with the relevant guidelines and requirements. Click here for a quick consultation.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)'s outdoor signage guidelines
There are three sets of URA’s outdoor signage guidelines, applicable based on the sign location. To find out which URA guidelines your proposed advertising sign/signboard needs to comply with, please visit the URA Map to determine the location:
Building and Construction Authority (BCA)'s regulations
Your proposed advertising sign/signboard have to comply with the following BCA regulations:
1. Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations
Sign fixed in a verandah-way or over a footpath
Shall not be less than 2.5 metres above the level of the verandah-way or footpath
Signage projection sample 1
Sign projecting over any street above the cover of any roadside drain
Shall not be erected less than 2.5 metres above the cover of the roadside drain
Signage projection sample 2
Sign projecting from the building line more than 3.75 metres but less than 5 metres above street
Shall not project more than 60 centimetres from the regular line of the street
Signage projection sample 3
Sign projecting from the building line 5 metres or more above street
Shall not project more than 1.5 metres from the regular line of the street
Signage projection sample 4
2. Building Control (Temporary Building) Regulations 2018
Please obtain a Permit To Use for the advertising sign/signboard before the sign licence can be granted to you. This applies to you if your advertising sign/ signboard or advertising structure falls under one of the categories below:
- Advertising sign/signboard with an area exceeding 10m2 that is supported by an advertising structure.
- Advertising structure with an area exceeding 10m2 or where the uppermost part of the frame, panel, hoarding, object, support or other type of structure is 4 metres and above from the horizontal plan on which the structure stands.
For the submission of Permit To Use, the Professional Engineer has to apply through the CORENET e-Submission System.
The validity period of the Permit To Use has to cover the entire duration of the sign display period.
An example of the sign display period
Sign display period
Permit To Use validity period
1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015
1 January 2015 to 25 June 2015
Permit To Use will be rejected during licence application
1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015
1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015
Permit To Use will be accepted during licence application
Other guidelines and requirements
Guidelines and requirements
Guidelines on signs at bus shelters
Bus shelter guidelines
Guidelines for display of banner
- The top edge of the banner must not be higher than 30 metres from the ground level
- The area of the banner should not exceed 50% of the surface area of the building facade, as measured up to 30 metres from the ground level
- A maximum of 3 banners can be displayed on the building facade at any given time
- For banners put up for a National Event, the brand name of the sponsor must not take up more than 15% of the banner area to enjoy a waiver of licence
Guidelines on display of vertical banners on public street lamp posts
LTA's guidelines and technical requirements on display of vertical banners on public street lamp posts
Requirements for signs on lampposts and banner poles along Orchard Road
- Proposed artwork needs to be endorsed by Orchard Road Business Association (ORBA) before submission for an in-principle approval consultation to BCA and URA
- Send all applications to BCA.
- The corresponding details of ORBA are as follows:
Orchard Road Business Association
91 Tanglin Road
#04-04 Tanglin place
Singapore 247918
Note: BCA may disclose your application form to relevant government agencies and non-government entities if consultation with the other relevant agencies is required for applications for the display of outdoor signage within the Central Area, on road related facilities and structures, or grass verge, etc.
Professional Engineer’s Certification for banners
You need Professional Engineer's (PE) certification if your banner falls under one of the following categories:
- Banners exceeding 10m2 and are displayed with bars or rods
- Banners exceeding 30m2
The following PE's certification (to be duly endorsed and shown on the structural drawings), is required: