To ensure that the different Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) systems being used at the mandated development sites are reliable and durable, BCA has set up an acceptance framework consisting of building regulatory agencies as well as industry experts to ensure that the design and materials used are robust and can meet the minimum standards set.
The PPVC acceptance framework consists of the following steps:
1. Acceptance by Building Innovation Panel (BIP)

* From 1 Apr 2023, BIP will discontinue accepting common PBU and PPVC systems for evaluation. Common PBU and PPVC systems refer to systems which are similar in designs to past accepted BIP systems, or systems that are already adopted in Singapore. For more information, please refer to this BCA circular or contact the BIP secretariat.
(a) Check for performance requirements – PPVC suppliers and manufacturers who intend to supply their PPVC systems to be used at the mandated development sites must first ensure that their PPVC system and the in-built bathrooms (if any) meet the PPVC performance requirements. For the performance requirements, please refer to the prevailing Code of Practice on Buildability.
(b) Submit application for evaluation to Building Innovation Panel (BIP) – Applicants should submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Building Innovation Panel. The secretariat will seek comments from regulatory authorities and a presentation session will be arranged, if necessary. Applicants are to follow-up to address all agencies’ comments.
(c) In Principle Acceptance – If accepted, relevant letters of In Principle Acceptance (IPA) will be issued to the PPVC supplier/manufacturer.
(d) Listing on BCA’s website – View list of accepted PPVC suppliers/manufacturers.
2. Accreditation by PPVC Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme (MAS)
In addition, the production facilities producing PPVC systems must be accredited under:
Click the above links to read about the accreditation criteria and how to apply.