FAQ on
Will agencies' consolidated reply include URA's GFA verification?
Will URA's feasibility study and outline application be required to submit through CORENET X?
QPs can continue to submit Outline Applications through CORENET 2, until further notice. The parameters conveyed in the Outline Planning Permission (OPP) will still be honoured, if a subsequent formal application is submitted through CORENET X, within the validity period of the OPP.
What is the submission process for projects that involves review by the Design Advisory Panel?
- The Design Advisory Panel (DAP) Stage 1 and 2 review process will be carried out prior to the Design Gateway (DG) and Construction Gateway (CG) submission respectively. This would be akin to a pre-submission consultation. It is meant to facilitate the DG and CG clearance process and reduce abortive work for consultants and agencies.
- As per today’s practice, the Applicant is to inform URA by way of email, at least 4 weeks (20 working days) in advance, on the submission date of the design proposal, to secure the availability of the various DAP members for the DAP session. The DAP session will take place approximately 3 to 4 weeks (15 to 20 working days) after the complete set of DAP materials is submitted, and the minutes of the DAP Session will generally be issued approximately 2 weeks (10 working days) after the DAP session.
- Should the DAP find that the design proposal requires much changes, the Applicant would be advised to resubmit the proposal for a second DAP session, following the process stated in Point 2. This second DAP session would similarly be carried out prior to the DG or CG submission. The number of pre-submission DAP sessions will generally be limited to two.
- Should the DAP deem the design proposal to be acceptable or require only minor revisions, the Applicant would be advised to proceed with the DG or CG submission. The Applicant is to inform URA by way of email, at least 4 weeks in advance, on the date of the formal submission, to secure the availability of the various DAP members for a potential subsequent DAP session. Following the formal submission, URA will advise if a subsequent DAP session is indeed needed.
- If so, the DG or CG process will be extended from 20 working days to 30 working days to accommodate the additional DAP session.
- If a second DAP session is not required, the DG or CG process will remain at 20 working days.
Can CORENET X capture envelope control outlines on irregular sites?
As the topography, plot configuration and surrounding context differs from one site to another, it may not be practical to stipulate a pre-defined envelope for such sites. Nonetheless, URA is exploring solutions and will advise industry on developments in this aspect at a later date.
In meantime, if QPs have questions on the envelope for irregular sites, they can reach out to the officer in charge of the planning area for pre-application consultation.
Will BCA Green Mark, Buildability Score, Constructability Score, and ETTV / RTTV calculations be required in CORENET X?
Yes, the current processes will apply. Please refer to the
CORENET X Code of Practice for details on when these requirements should be submitted.
Will M&E Electrical / Lift / Lightning Protection submissions be required in CORENET X?
Details that cover cross-agency requirements will be submitted jointly by QPs in a project team, to the relevant CORENET X gateways (e.g. location of lift and escalators, height of building that may affect design of lightning protection). For technical details specific to certain agencies (e.g. design of the lift and escalator, design of the lightning protection), they can be submitted directly to agencies under independent submissions.
Are temporary works such as ERSS for basement excavation required to be incorporated into the coordinated BIM model for CORENET X submissions?
All BIM and non-BIM projects are required to be submitted to CORENET X for regulatory approval, including temporary works.
Temporary ERSS submission (e.g. steel struts, sheetpile wall and other ERSS elements which do not form part of the permanent structure) do not need to be incorporated into the BIM model. ERSS that is integrated into the permanent works will have to be incorporated into the coordinated BIM model.
Can Fire Safety Engineers (FSEs) who currently do not have a CORENET account make performace-based fire safety engineering submissions via CORENET X?
Yes. The login for CORENET X is via Singpass, similar to today’s login for CORENET 2.0.
Will unprotected opening calculations for SCDF submissions be included in CORENET X?
Yes, these calculations should be submitted together with the Building Plan at Construction Gateway.
How will performance-based Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) solutions be accepted in CORENET X?
We are exploring how FSE solutions will be submitted and will inform the industry when ready.
Can the M&E Engineer indicate deviations from the approved Construction Gateway model such as new locations or coverage of fire protection elements during Technical Clearance?
No, Construction Gateway amendment submissions on revised locations or coverage should be made before the M&E Engineer submits the application for Technical Clearance.
Will submissions by licensed plumbers be required in CORENET X?
Many submissions by Licensed Plumbers are for non-development works. As such, these submissions can still be made via PUB's website.
Are developers and building owners engaged in the development of CORENET X?
When we were developing the new approval process, we engaged developers through REDAS. Moving ahead, we will be engaging the larger community of developers. When we implement CORENET X, we will communicate the process and timelines to all our stakeholders.
Will CORENET X accept land subdivision plans?
Applications currently processed through CORENET today will continue to be processed in CORENET X. However, activities handled by Registered Surveyors (RS) today directly with SLA, such as submission of the certified survey plan or allocation of lot numbers, will still go through the SLA RS-Portal. We will explore linkage between CORENET X and the RS-Portal to streamline submissions.
For feedback or enquiry related to CORENET X, please complete the form here.